Saturday, May 31, 2008

Done! I've completed my first year of teaching, and my body is wore out from all the happy dancin'!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Holy marathon Bat Man! I'm getting a stitch!

Seriously, though- with one day left of the school year, my friend invites me for supper. We're having a tasty dessert of old school Bat Man and POW! the power goes out! WHAM! A big thunder storm is rolling through. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! I drove home in the dark. Then, KA-POW! the power comes back on!

One more day.


Monday, May 26, 2008


FOUR. DAYS. LEFT. Perhaps I'll resurface for air after that?

Have a good week. I'm anticipating the longest four day week in the history of time . . . no, actually, I think it'll be super short and fly right on by because I have sooo much to do before it's end!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This blog's for Jen!

Hello everyone! (or at least Jen!)

My first year of teaching is racing for a close. We have 7 days left, including tomorrow. Yikes! I nearly hyperventilate upon thinking of all the things I need to get done/organized/moved before 5:30pm next Friday. My planner and lists are my friends. And at this rate, they're my only friends! (just kidding!) There are huge changes coming at work, and next year is only going to be more stressful! The school board met tonight, so I'll know more tomorrow . . . .

Our church had our yearly Discipleship Conference this past weekend. I was asked 2 weeks before it to coordinate the snacks for my closest 130 friends. Not something I've done before and a challenge! We ended up having enough cookies, perhaps too many, but I was so worried that we wouldn't have enough for Sunday that I didn't put out as many as I could have throughout the weekend! We had masses of cookies left over. Napkins? Too many! Lemonade? Coming out our ears. (sorry. was that gross?) This seriously was a really big blessing!

I took off work Friday to make some appointments before the conference. I found that my thyroid is low again (hard to figure out if it's the end of the school year or thyroid causing my exhaustion!). I get to start a higher dose of my happy pill! I hope to say good bye to my cold, cold, cold! my dry skin, my tiredness, my fried brain, and sore hands! I also went to the chiropractor and found that I'd somehow put some ribs out of place. Guess this explained the pain in my shoulder all week! I couldn't lift my left arm more than 6 inches at the beginning of the week, although it was somewhat better by midweek, just to digress by Friday. My pyro-quacktor said that he's had women proclaim that they'd rather birth another child than have that again! I felt so much better. I'm not just a whiny baby! If you see me this week, notice how good my posture is with my shoulder forced back and my head up! It's torture, but I need to give all the muscles a chance to strengthen so they don't go out again! It's good for me, I'm sure! He also made some conversation about the latest research in hypothyroidism that he'd learned researching it for his wife. I'm interested to learn more, and continue to eliminate symptoms instead of merely testing within the range!

By the way. I'm moving in just over a month. Go ahead. Ask me where. I dare you. Just remember, I'm tired and stressed, and if you remind me yet again that I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I'm moving to, I might just lose it . . . Now, I'm off to bed.
