Friday, October 3, 2008

4 years ago today, and-well- 33 years ago today . .

There aren't many days in life when I can look back and know with absolute certainty where I was and what I was doing. Today is a day that I can! 33 years ago today, at this time, I was working up to making my grand appearance to this world! I was born at approximately 6:35 pm, if my memory serves me correctly. Oh come on! You don't think I remember that? I meant my memory of the stories told to me and seeing the time on my birth certificate!

I can also look back to another birthday spent in the hospital! Have I ever told y'all this story? My last days of 29 found me stressing about my 30th birthday. I would spend it alone, as my friends were all busy. Bummer. At my weekend job on Sunday I mowed the lawn and -so I thought- put my back out. By the time the over night shift came in, I was in agony. Rolling, well, writhing really, in pain on the floor. I managed to drive home where I called my neighbor for help. She came down and helped me find some left over muscle relaxers from another time I'd put my back out. I took one, called in for work the next morning, and soon took a second. At about 1:30am (ON MY BIRTHDAY!) I drove myself to the emergency room. Walking in, I declared that I needed drugs, lots of drugs! Long story short- the doctor decided that it wasn't my back, but my gallbladder! 3 or 4 shots of morphine later they decided to keep me and I passed out. An ultrasound the next morning determined that I would need surgery that afternoon. Sooo . . . 4 years ago at just about this time, I was coming out of recovery and returning to my room. No food, no birthday cake, no soda. It was 9:30 that night before I even got a crummy sandwich! They let me out the next morning. I purposed in my heart after that experience that I would never again be dismayed about where I would spend a birthday or who I would or would not spend it with! I don't think I'll even be concerned with my age! Whatever you want God! Where ever you want me! I'm not complaining!


4 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Aaron and Tori Swank said...

Happy Birthday yesterday, Amanda! Glad that it must have been better than 4 years ago! Hope it was a nice day for you. I actually don't like my own birthdays because of the added expectation to the day. Many of them turn out nice... but I tend to struggle with my attitude on those days and often would rather just skip on over the day after my birthday...usually a pretty nice day. :)

Adrienne said...

Happy late birthday to you! Happy late birthday to you! Happy late birthday to YYYOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!! Happy late birthday to you!!

Pink Icing said...

A very happy belated birthday to you.

That 29th one sounds damned scarey...

Anonymous said...

no cake and no soda, but you got legal morphine: a fair trade in my mind!