Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm a slug . . .

That darn pressing holiday that is a mere 3 days away is looming nearer and nearer. My mind has kicked in to vacation mode. Shopping is not done, I have no idea even what to buy! Goodies remain in their ingredient state in my cupboard and on my table. My projects remain in pieces. The dirt remains throughout my apartment. But, as for me, I'm on vacation! There's always tomorrow!

Merry Christmas,

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, will be back in a couple days to catch up with you. Meanwhile I wish you a Peaceful and Merry Christmas.

whimsical brainpan said...

I hope you got through it and had a wonderful Christmas.

Pink Icing said...

Hope your Christmas was fabulous - and included a roast potato or two....
Here's to a truly wonderful 2008