Monday, December 3, 2007

One of my Favorites . . .

One of my favorite bands of all time is Tom Feldman and the Get-Rites. I love their blue-grassy sound, complete with a mean slide guitar, as well as their lyrics, and they are hands-down among the greatest guys/bands we've had at our coffeehouse and music festival (Yeshuapolooza- google it!). I was fortunate to be able to liaise them, er, be their "band liaison" at the festival last September. I got to meet them personally and escort them around for the day. Imagine my excitement when in my inbox tonight was a note about their newest CD release. Check them out, I highly recommend them! (If only so you can see what music style turns me on!) I love their new song Pedal Steel Heaven(also the title of their new CD). I hope you all enjoy them!

p.s. Blue Mountain Mama- I think you'll especially like them!

Update: Silly me! Here is their website! From there you will see a link to their MySpace page above their picture!

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

bluemountainmama said...

i'll definitely check them out.... they sound right up my alley! :) do you know if they have a myspace site?

A said...

Silly me! I added it to the original post! I promise, they're worth the wait!


Pink Icing said...

You know what, we Brits just have no idea how to 'modernise' religious music, we're just too darned stiff.............