Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's been a while!

Hi everyone! It sure has been a while since I've posted. Hmm . . . as the holidays approach, my free time must be spent elsewhere.

I've also been trying desperately to purge and clean my little apartment. I'm a bit discouraged by the progress I'm making on my home. It's a mess, still, and doesn't seem to get any better! I've always been comfortable letting it get out of hand, and stay there for long periods of time, but lately, not so much! Unfortunately, in order for it to get better, it will inevitably get worse! Since returning home after house sitting, I've moved book shelves, taken the book shelf from my hall closet and replaced it with a hanging linen shelf thing, moving towels from my bathroom and kitchen and my bedroom to the closet, moved furniture, finally cut some boards for some shelving in my entry way, etc. I've made progress, but surface-wise, it's chaos! Today I've had the whole day to clean and tidy, but no energy to accompany it! It's a cold dreary day and I'm dog tired. And I've been reading a book that is the fifth in a series, but is actually a prequel, or the first book in the series added later. I'm almost finished, which will help give me more ambition in other areas!

I have set 3 goals for today: Buy supplies for my guinea pig, pay my bills, and finish the uber-fancy tie blanket I'm making for me. I've bought supplies and he's my next project. My bills are paid, except one, and the tie blanket is way too complicated. Perhaps I'll work on it next. Strangely, it involves sewing and I'm not to excited about that part! Tying is the easy part! Minimal progress, but progress nonetheless!

I'm not very exciting here on my blog(or anywhere else, I guess!). Thanks for those of you who have stuck with me.

Happy holidays!


5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, I've been neglecting my blog buddies lately.

My place is always a mess because it's so easy to step over and go around things. After awhile I don't see it anymore. But reading your post has given me inspiration to organize... tomorrow ... maybe the next day... HA

Pink Icing said...

Must be something to do with this time of year, I have also been somewhat neglectful of my blog and blog buddies of late.

It really warmed me to read your post this evening, thank you

Oh and my place is sooooo messy right now, I'm looking forward to the Christmas break to sort it all out!
Happy Holiday's

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're still blogging....I hear you about the time crunch- I should be shopping, baking, working out, studying or cleaning right now.
So, yeah, I better get off the computer and do some work!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Sorry, Amanda, I know this has little to do with your post. But I had to reply to your comment on my blog about coming from a family of "collectors."

I grew up in the 80s (as if I haven't made that abundantly clear), when country decorating -- with all its knick-knacks and clutter -- was king. So when I first got married and had a home of my own, I followed in my Mom's footsteps by putting stuff everywhere! It took me a few years of maturing to realize this is NOT my style.

Now? I've given away literally BOXES of knick-knacks. I'm super picky about what decorating items I'll buy. And I love my newfound freedom! :-)

So I guess you could say I'm a reformed simplistic person.

Thanks for stopping by my home on the Christmas tour!

Unknown said...

Did you get all that stuff done?

Getting organized often requires one to get terribly unorganized first. And then you feel overwhelmed by it all. Ugh.