Monday, January 29, 2007

I am a geek! AKA boring post.

I am a geek. I don't need any online test or second opinions to confirm this.

I am currently in Madison, Wisconsin at a conference for work. Four of us ladies traveled down today together. On the trip down I got and replied to a voicemail from Sacka(I replied and then lost service). Upon arriving I grabbed the computer to check on a friend's blog(perhaps I will post on that issue). Once up to our rooms, Kelly and I immediately whipped out our laptops to take advantage of the hotel's wireless internet and also had our cells front and center. As the other 2 (older) ladies were refreshing and talking in the connecting room, Kelly and I confirmed that we were geeks, although we later decided that it was more of a generational thing. After dinner we came back and Kelly and I are surfing el netto and watching TV. The other ladies are reading books(what are those again?)

The conference looks like it will be interesting, it's a career conference geared towards all ages and lots of education areas. Should be good!

The weather here is snowy. It started just before we got here and is now snowing great big fluffy snow balls of joy! I think it will be gone before we head back on Wednesday! See you then!

Good bye from Madtown!

1 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Danielle said...

I love you, geek...