Saturday, January 27, 2007

State O' the World Address

Well- I stopped for some Mickey Dee's tonight and wanted to update you all with the state that our world is in. I never thought the day would arrive that those wholesome golden arches would put a farting toy in their happy meals. I'm not sure what kind of toy it was, but coming from the back seat of the car came the farting noises and 7 year old boy hysterical giggles(It wasn't him making the noises, either, I checked!). The character was a little creature with it's right arm up in the air. When you pulled on it's arm it made one of 3 different farting noises. I mean, what message are they really trying to portray? We all know what that place does to our innards, we don't need any suggestions! What were they thinking?

Is this the most pathetic excuse for a happy meal toy or what? Can anyone remember any thing remotely close in the history of happy meals (or kids meals to be more PC)?

6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

S.B.G. said...

I'm familiar with this McD's toy, our boys received it in Friday's meal. Much to their delight and not mine. How about flarp? I won't say where they received their first installment of that beloved wonder, lol...

btw welcome to the world of blogging!

Anonymous said...

All's i can say (after I say congrats on the
Boys have always thought farts are funny, and they always will! It's natural that Mickey D's is capitalizing uopn it- isn't that what Mickey D's does best?
ground beef and trans fats aren't very good for US but they market them to us just the same!!! How are farting toys for little boys any different?
It's life in a free economic society, baby- revel in it, cause the way we're going, it ain't gonna be free for long! LOL!
Wow- I am having WAY too much fun commenting on your blog- I'd better stop myself now!

Danielle said...

I have some flarp..and a self-inflating whoopi...

S.B.G. said...

the boys also loved the whopee cushion till they broke it. I don't deny them these boy wonders, though I have to roll my eyes and think yep I'm a girl, and they're BOYS!

A said...

It's seriously a hard thing to remember, that they do these things because they are boys, not that they are boys because they do these things, you know?

It still seems Too wrong that a fart item comes with a high fat, hard on your innards, food item!

S.B.G. said...

P.S. I have an extra of said toy still in it's wrapping just in case you'd like one for yourself