Monday, April 23, 2007

Prescription drugs . . .

I just heard a blurb on the news about prescription drug disposal. Apparently people in Wisconsin are flushing leftover prescriptions down the toilet. They are dissolving and going into the water system, which is causing troubles for the fish. They are trying to come up with a central "disposal site" for medications. (If you were at all expecting a serious in-depth blog entry, I'm sorry) Two thoughts. Fish and ultimately humans on too much (too commonly prescribed) vicodan, a kind of contact high, if you will. And a pile of pills in one central location? What are these people thinking? At least they should leave them labeled for when those hard-core vicodan addicts are crawling through the pile looking for a fix . . .

(By the way, this li'l guy's name is Brian.)

11 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Little Brian looks a little too happy- what pills has he found? J/k

I think "dumping" anything harmful to God's little critters is just terrible, and anyone who makes light of it (which I know you are not) is cold hearted and has forgotton the scripture that says that God knows when even a little sparrow falls out of a tree. Just like we can get desenitized to violence against humans (as cited in Brian's and my blogs recently), I think we can also get desensitized towards violence and pain in animals. OK. Now look at what you did- where in the heck did this soap box come from?? Ha ha.

TWaits said...

I dump normally at a central location.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

We're such a nation of excess - and convenience. Too many pills and too much of a pain to set them somewhere until we find a central location? No problem - quick fix in the toilet. Yuck.
And that face is too cute.

bluemountainmama said...

in our area they are discovering male fish developing female reproductive parts in the potomac. the most popular theory is that it is because of all the estrogen from birth-control and hormone-replacement pills that women are taking. apparently it comes out in the urine, but the water treatment doesn't get rid of it. kind of scary....

A said...

Blue- oooh! That is frightening! I guess it goes to show that our actions really affect more than just us, and it's not just all about me! (as much as I'd like to think so!)

Elise- we truly are an excessive group, aren't we? It's such a predicament that we in our country need to find a place to dispose of extra drugs we just happen to have laying around. We are an interesting country . . . in other countries they've never even heard of most of these drugs!

Danielle said...

nice post a, i wasn't aware of any of this.

Unknown said...

You know, Wisconsin is also the state where you find dirty adult diapers along highways.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Unknown said...

interesting! i'm always yelling at people who drop their cigarette butts on the sidewalk and wait for the rain to wash it into the waterways and pollute everything (!). What a cool fishie pic you found there!

A said...

DD- I'm doing my part. I promised that I'd stop doing that. Thanks for bringing up a sensitive subject. Thanks. A lot . . .

Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

A: You've been TAGGED!

TWaits said...

So, If you flushed cocaine down the toilet, would the creature that eventually ingests it be called a blowfish?