Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Help! I'm Drowning!!

Help! I'm drowning! My little apartment is full to the brim with stuff! In the chairs, on the couch, on the kitchen table, on the counter, around my bed! I can't walk because it's so full! I finally got rid of my old queen size bed from my storage closet in the entry way, but it's too cold out there and I'm too indecisive to put something in it's place tonight. Part of the problem is that I have no room to move anything to. Another part of the problem is this fake Christmas tree I have in the middle of my kitchen floor. It belonged to my grandparents and the same parents that took away my bed brought it to me, at my request. I'd planned to bring it to my classroom and decorate there, but I'm teetering and tottering about keeping it at my apartment and sinking to the cheesy fake Christmas tree merely out of convenience and cost.

I'm overwhelmed, and perhaps you could help me make a decision? I'd appreciate it ever so much! Do I sacrifice having a real tree? Putting it together here or in my classroom? Paying for the real tree smell and the pine needles and cutting it up to drag it to the woods in June because I missed the darn truck who picks it up? The convenience of not having to water it? Having a sparsely decorated classroom? I really only have one set of decorations anyway. Grrr.

I need your help! Calgon, take me away! Someone help me make this decision!


2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Unknown said...

I can't help you. I think that we should get an artificial -- no, excuse me, "permanent" -- tree. My wife loves the real ones. So we get real ones.

We once got a trio of those thin, fake trees they sell at craft stores for my in-laws' house -- my in-laws don't put up trees at all -- decorated them minimally, with lights, then made it look like there was snow underneath.

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

I'm afraid I'm too late... but I say simpler is better. :)

We have no room for a real tree this year, so we had to forgo our lovely trek into the woods to cut down our favorite, and instead
have a Jesse Tree, to go with Ann Voskamp's book, "The Glorious Coming." It is simply twigs poked into a pebble-filled vase with raffia tied around the rim. I love it, and I never thought I would be satisfied, but I am.

Anyway, what did you end up doing? It's kind of an heirloom, if you think about it, and I just know if I were there, I could help you rearrange and make room! Can I come over? :)