Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Home at last . . .

I'm home at last. I must confess to an odd feeling of detachment from my apartment, though. Their home felt so much more like home than my little apartment. I think apartment living is for the birds. Probably about the same size as their cage, in proportion. It's weird to come back to a place that doesn't seem like mine. As weird as it is though, I am so grateful to not be driving back and forth, to not be torn between here and there. The Bible talks about a house divided against itself not being able to stand. A true statement, even if meant in a different context. I certainly wouldn't have been able to stand much longer.

I fed the cat, left the sheets drying in the dryer, grabbed my stuff and headed back to town tonight. I was going for pizza with some friends, and wouldn't be able to get my food unless I did it tonight, before pizza. A very busy day indeed. I even have most of my clothes put away now, and stuff seems to be organized enough to make the morning routine run fairly smoothly. I should go to bed now, because now that I'm back home, I'll have to get up earlier, to accommodate the longer drive to work.

Back to apartment living in a college town. Ahhh, the sounds of traffic and neighbors stomping(and doesn't it all seems like stomping when it's above you!) . . .

G'night all.


3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

whimsical brainpan said...

"and doesn't it all seems like stomping when it's above you!"

Yes. Yes it does.

Glad you made it home safely.

Unknown said...

I don't miss living in an apartment, but mostly because of the neighbors. Neighbors can get noisy, and then you can't get noisy yourself because you have neighbors.

Anonymous said...

It was nice having you nearer than usual for awhile there. We missed you on Thursday (sniff).