Thursday, November 29, 2007

Trees and "Smell that Dairy Air!"

Ahh- It took me a little bit that night, but I came to a decision. My decision was that I was not making a decision that night! The partially assembled tree went back into it's tub, and was stashed into the space vacated in the entry way. I stopped at a tree farm that I pass on my way to and from work every day, and I think I'll stop back tomorrow and actually get a real tree. The visit solidified it. So, tomorrow I'll be driving 30 minutes on the freeway with a Christmas tree strapped to my car roof. I have my doubts about the wisdom of it . . . . they'll use twine. I really wish I hadn't loaned my rope to my dad to haul away that mattress, but I suppose it's better than still having the mattress!

I think I'll take the fake tree to my classroom. I've had visions of my kids creating duplicate ornaments every year with the year, their name and their picture. One will go home with them, and one will stay with me to decorate the tree in years to come. Otherwise simple generic decorations. That's the way I'm leaning, anyway- which was my original intention for the tree(the classroom part). I'll have to double check with my building principal. I like the idea of pulling out all the old ornaments as a memorial for years down the road. I'm sentimental like that. We'll see if my ambition keeps up with my lofty aspirations.

I had hoped to spend time tonight getting my kitchen in order so I could bring the tree home, but instead I went out to eat at a Chinese buffet with my good friend Ang, because we love Chinese, and because it's her golden birthday! Happy Birthday Girl!

As an extra special treat on her birthday, I arranged to have us seated by a large, drafty window, and then to have some farmers come in wearing their barn clothes for some aromatic enjoyment! Seriously though, that was an addition we could have lived without! Upon their being seated at the table directly beside ours (in an otherwise nearly empty restaurant!) we looked at each other and whispered "there is no good way out of this, is there?" The smell overpowered our peanut butter chicken and anything else the buffet had to offer. We thought we were stuck. If we asked to be moved, or even just got up and reseated ourselves, we would completely offend these people (and you really don't want to tick off a farm girl! No offense! Oh yeah- we didn't want to be rude or hurtful in general, either), but if we remained in our current location out of politeness, our enjoyment of the evening would be seriously shot. As I sat, nearly convulsing from the cold, I decided that this may be our way out of this situation. I began to lament just how cold the window was, and the draft, and how I was starting to shiver. Oh yes, it sure was cold, Ang continued. I wonder if we could move away from the window, I said? She agreed. I made her ask the employee, who promptly began speaking loudly to another employee across the near-empty restaurant, who agreed that yes, we could move away from the window. How about here? says the first man. Oh no, over one more, right there, it's under a heat vent (and one more table away from the barn smell!) says the second man. I lamented again about the cold temperature, put on my scarf, shoved my hands up my opposite sleeves, and declined the ice cream that I normally love for dessert, all because of the cold . . . we came away looking like a couple of wussy, whiny freeze babies, but the rest of our meal was oh-so-much more enjoyable!! And more importantly, (I hope) no one was offended, except the busser who had to clean 2 tables instead of one! I can't help but think that they understood our plight! Only in Wisconsin!

1 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

LOL HAHAHA I just now noticed the title of this post ... smell that dairy air ... Very clever!