Saturday, November 10, 2007

Technology day . . .

Ahhh, I'm sitting in a technology day conference. The session I'm in right now is "Exploring free online programs" and one of the programs is blogger! I thought I'd do a quick post to say hi! The presenter gave us the freedom to play around and explore the links that interested or applied to us. A dangerous freedom to give us bloggers. I'd already checked my email and checked my google reader page. I realize that I need to put more of the blogs I frequent on their so I can get to them quickly from anywhere!

House sitting will be finished in 4 days. Our missions team will be home from India Wednesday. What a tough transition for them! It was hard enough for me to transition from my house to theirs! It will be great to have them home. I hope that I'll have more time for blogging when I'm settled back home.

I'd better run, I'm eavesdropping on a conversation someone is having about blogger. Maybe I can help . . .


4 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

The question: Can I delete a comment someone puts on my blog? Or only if I've chosen to moderate?

Em said...

Isn't it fun when they teach stuff that you already know? Suddenly you can help everyone around you and they think you are so smart! LOL

And to answer anonymous (since we all want to support other bloggers), yes, you can certainly delete!

A said...

Sorry- Anonymous is really me! Surprise! Okay, I was doing it as a test, but got distracted by something else new and different. I was meaning to figure out HOW I could delete someone's comment. Ideas?

whimsical brainpan said...

He he he! Telling a blogger that they can have free time on the internet is like telling a chocoholic they can have all they can eat at the Godiva factory.