Sunday, August 19, 2007

First day.

My first day was spent getting to know 2 of the teachers that I will be working with, filling out paper work, and carrying massive files to my room, then to my car so that I can be reading them at home! I have about 15 kids to get to know really well before I meet them! A long inservice Tuesday that probably won't mean anything to me until I've been there a couple of years. What do you do. I hope I can LOOK interested . . . .

Today was laundry, and working on some projects, tomorrow more projects. Rainy days are great for days like that! I love a rainy night, it's such a beautiful sight!

I must get ready for bed, I'm hoping to actually get up and get some stuff done tomorrow!

Hope things are well for all of you!

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

whimsical brainpan said...

Good luck with the new school year!

Anonymous said...

What grade are you teaching?

A said...

Babzy- I'll be working with the yung'uns! Kids in grades 3-5 with learning disabilities. No pressure . . .

Whims- thanks for the good wishes! I appreciate them!