Monday, August 6, 2007

Life changes . . .

"In life it is good not to get to comfortable." -Fortune Cookie Fortune

A couple of years ago I received this fortune in a fortune cookie. Deep thoughts, I know, but it spoke to me for some reason. Lately, I feel that God is speaking to me regarding certain holding patterns and comfort zones I've been clinging to in my life. For several years I lived in housing rented from my church, with thoughts of getting married and moving out in my head. I finally came to peace with being single, and leaving the college ministry and moving out on my own was the next step. I moved out into a little apartment with a great, if uber-cluttered, yard and a non-existent living room. I stayed for a year and a half, because it was easy, it was comfortable (not because the apartment was great!). I was then blessed to move to another apartment, owned by friends. I've been here since Thanksgiving.

The one area of my life that I've been holding on to is my job. I've spent 6 years as a para-educator. What the hell is a paraeducator? (I heard that!) It's in my chosen field of special education, but is more of an assistant than a full teacher. My big news of the week is that I got a teaching job! I will be working with little kids, grades 3-5, with learning disabilities. I currently work with high schoolers with learning and other disabilities and teach summer school to little kids of all ages. I will be driving an hour and 10 minutes or so each way(I live 6 blocks from my current school!), so moving closer may be in my fairly near schedule! I'm in my apartment until Thanksgiving, so it won't be until then at least! There will be no comfort for the next year, except Jesus! I think that this is something He has been preparing me for and for me, so I fully anticipate clinging to Him this year! I will still be driving back and forth to my church in Menomonie, so at least I won't need to find all new friends too!

A friend of mine during my college years in Utah always tried to do something new every year. One year she took up hiking, and one year she started running. I've lost track of the other things, but she has committed to not getting comfortable in life. I admire that, and hope to continue that in my own life. Does anyone else have a similar commitment? And if so, what are some of those new things you've tried, or what is on your personal future list? Let me know!

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Hello friend. You've had some exciting news about a job. I've heard a person needs to change jobs every 3 to 5 years to avoid getting too comfortable.

That's a long commute though. Hope you can get something closer to work or even halfway between work and church.

What's on my personal list? I've moved around so much and have had so many jobs that I just want to stay put for awhile. Then in a couple of years I plan on moving to Australia to be closer to my son. I miss him so much.

bluemountainmama said...

i think i've come to realize that even if we try to stay has other plans. your friend may be very wise in doing it herself and making her own choices as to how to step out of the 'known'.

but isn't it nice to know there's Somebody along with us during these transitions? good luck with all the 'new's in your life.....