Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hi Ho!

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go! Tomorrow starts the routine drive to my new job. I've done 2 random days, but tomorrow starts a 4 day week, followed by another 4 day week(thanks Labor Day!) and then in to the standard 5 day week. Thanks God for breaking me in a little slowly!

Today was an afternoon at the Como Zoo in St. Paul Minnesota with my "singles" Bible Study Group, and hopefully Friday will bring another trip to the Twin Cities to do some school shopping with my nieces. If I'm feeling energetic, I'll be over that way on Monday to visit with my wonderful cousin Marcus before he leaves for Colorado on his latest acting-driven endeavor! Good luck to him! I'll try to post some picts from the zoo later on.

See you again soon,
Thanks for stopping by!

5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

whimsical brainpan said...

Good luck with the new job!

Em said...

Good luck with the new job. It can be a very exciting new beginning, but I'm sure it also has some anxiety associated with it just as you get used to things!

Anonymous said...

Have a great week at your new job. Don't get lost in the school trying to find the classroom but you're in the wrong stairwell and you've forgotten your homework and there's a test today but now you're late and there will be nowhere to sit and the teacher will growl at you and you have to pee .... hey wait a minute ... that's not you, that's me in my recurring school-nightmare.

Unknown said...

Hey, good luck with the new job!!

I love Como. It's absolutely one of my favorite places, even though the zoo itself isn't the greatest. Yet it's a great park.

Unknown said...

reading other peoples blogs is so much more fun than updating my did the first day go??