Tuesday, August 21, 2007

today . . .

Today I struggled through 7.5 hours of literacy training with people I don't know yet, for a project I'm just joining in on, for kids that I haven't met yet. The woman presenting had an 80's style hairdo (bangs curled up and back, with some height, but mostly just feathered?) and a strangely hypnotic quality to her voice. In her defense, I've heard that she is wonderful and really, really knowledgeable in the area of reading, and one's fashion sense does not dictate the quality of instruction. An interesting combo, nonetheless! I'm glad I've outgrown my own 80's do!

I am an elementary school teacher. Should this result in my wearing of cartoon characters on my bosom or stomach, or any part of my body for that matter, please beat me up side the head. Please. Remind me that as a grown woman, there really is no excuse. This will be a major challenge(teaching them, not the cartoon thing!).

10 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Unknown said...

Any specific cartoon character that you consider tempting? Is this a major problem, really? I mean, what are the chances of you wearing a cartoon character on any part of your person? Because, what I'm getting at, is that I don't think I could actually go through with beating you up on the side of your head. In fact, I KNOW that I couldn't fulfill that request. You'd probably just have to do it yourself.

But it might just be easier to change shirts. And less painful.

A said...

DD- If you ever see some strange looking 30-something woman walking the streets of Minneapolis hitting herself in the head, consider that it might be me(or might not- don't go too close!) and that there was a Winnie the Pooh shirt involved, or some shirt with apples, or pumpkins, or a snowman. God forbid! Have you been in an elementary school lately, though? It just seems to creep up on them and take over with very little defense. I'm not joking! This is most definitely not a joking matter! OK, maybe a little joking. Just a little. Fashion does actually seem to dictate that more elementary teachers are wearing more professional dress than when I went through school. However, I am afraid that there are still those holdouts in the system (point proven by the feathered bang do!).

A said...

Oh, and don't even get me started about the woman I saw last week with a tattoo on her shoulder of an apple with a worm through it. She got it when she got her first teaching job. No worries on that score. There. will. be. no. tattoos. involved. in. my. classroom. Got it kids?

Anonymous said...

Stacy and Clinton would not approve.

A said...

Ha Ha Ha! Rolling with laughter here, Babzy! You've lifted my spirits even more today! Thanks!

Unknown said...

wow im just catching up on your blog and it looks like youve been busy...sounds like awesome new adventures ahead (too bad you didnt get any pics hehe)!

whimsical brainpan said...

Hey now! There are cool cartoon characters out there you know.

A said...

Yeah? Name one. :) Or at least name one that should be on a grown woman's bosom! ;)

Can't do it, canya?

S.B.G. said...

I've never understand grown women wearing all the cartoony and deocorative themed gear nor have I understood why anyone would want a winnie the pooh diaper bag. Is the baby carrying the thing, or a grown woman? The only exception for me is the canvas style bag--two of which aren't very grown up but fit lots of heavy library items in. So until I can find a decent cheapy they're functional for me. But otherwise I run, far far away from the cutesy element. At least I hope I do!

whimsical brainpan said...

Here are two but the kids probably won't know them: Pinky and The Brain.