Thursday, September 6, 2007

quick post

Hi all! I'm still alive, although with my not-so-mad-driving-skills as of late, it may not last long! It's amazing how terrible of a driver you can become when you start doing it for nearly 3 hours a day! I get really distracted! I started seeing my kids today, I think it'll be fun. They spent the first 2 days of school with their regular education classes to get in their grooves! It's starting to feel do-able!

Saturday is our big festival, Yeshuapolooza. It's a 6 band "college block party" in Menomonie Wisconsin, put on by our church college group, with a little help pitched in by everyone else, including yours truly! I'm very excited! I'm also excited that life may slow down just a little afterward! We have some fantastic bands coming, and its free, if you're in town!

I've been bullied into a quick post by my friend, Table-top Joe. After finally posting himself he decided to harass me, claiming sleepless nights waiting for my blog. Yeah, right! I know he's got too much on his plate with his lovely wife and kids to be that concerned! Thanks for caring enough to guilt me though!

I must sleep now, 4:40 comes reeeeeaaaaaaallllllllyyyy early. There is also the problem with staying awake during my morning commute . . . despite my french press coffee and my diet Dr. Pepper.

Hope to see you all again soon!


3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Beverly said...

Wow! That is really a long drive you have to go through. Yikes!! I'm glad to see a post from you :-) Sorry I haven't been checking in as much lately, it has been quite a summer.

Em said...

4:40?!?!?! Holy cow...that's early!! You must go to bed at like 5 in the afternoon??? LOL

Anonymous said...

I did a long commute for 3 years until I collapsed from exhaustion. Are you thinking of moving closer to the job?