Friday, September 14, 2007

Guess what? I can find my ideal mate online. If I believe the spam folder of my email that is. Maybe I should stop waiting on God and make a move on some sleazy website? Cool. I bet that would work out well . . . maybe I'd find someone to abuse with my garlic triscuit breath.

Good night, really.


yawn . . .

10 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

If I were looking for a man I would not hesitate to go on the internet. Several of my friends from work do it all the time and have never had a problem because they are smart about it.

One of my friends who is around 60 met a wonderful guy around the same age who adores her. She checked him over very carefully and spent quite a number of months emailing and talking on the phone before making a coffee date.

One thing led to another and now they've been married for two years. She told me she never thought she would be happy again after her husband died but she is happier than ever before.

I say if you're looking for someone, try the internet. Just be smart about it and I'll bet you meet a great guy just right for you.

A said...

Yeah, I've heard of it being successful, too, but I'm pretty sure I'd never do it. I guess being single isn't a bad enough option to "force" it. That and I'm too much of a closet romantic for that. I'm pretty sure Mr. Right (not Mr. Perfect) will come along when the timing is right and "sweep me off my feet". (or at least knock me down!) And if not, I've no plans to settle for Mr. Darn-near-good- enough!

I'm cautious enough that I want to see the man in action, with friends, with his relationship with God, with everyday life before I would even open my heart, you know? I plan on marriage being for life and I want to be sure.

:) I'm glad your friends are happy!


Anonymous said...

There are some Christian dating sites, too.

I like your attitude, though. I'm much older than you are but I'm at a comfortable stage in my life now where I honestly love the freedom singleness provides.

My only regret is that I wasn't more careful about choosing a partner when I did get married. Happily, I did get a nice son which was worth all the heartache.

whimsical brainpan said...

There are plenty of good dating websites out there. I met my current boyfriend on

Em said...

I think there are some great some have mentioned. Just be careful when you meet in case they are insane. LOL

A said...

They should be careful, in case I'm insane . . .

Anonymous said...

hahaha Good one!

Unknown said...

Hey A... As someone who's had far more than my fair share of romance, i can tell you it's definitely over-rated...! Current saga over the last 12 months is a prime example!! With that in mind I'm going to give online a go:) Will let you know all funny stories!

Catmoves said...

I wonder why my Google mailbox gets so much spam, but my ISP mailbox gets very little? At least my Gmail spam deals with lots of interesting (read sexier) titles.
For what's it is worth.
The love of my life and I met in a game room with chat panel.

Philip. said...

Isn't it amazing what you can find on the internet :-)

How did we ever live without it??