Monday, September 10, 2007

It's coming!

It's official. It's coming. This dog-gone sickness that hits me EVERY dang fall. I was diagnosed with "hayfever" in college, perhaps because they couldn't find anything else? I was diagnosed with allergies when I was 26. "They" have no idea what I'm allergic to. I do however have the list of nearly 30 things I wasn't allergic to at that point. My doctor once tried to find a pattern to my sinus allergy issues, in hopes of determining the allergy, but it was spread out in a kind of repeated pattern, including September, and I think November, but not October, or something random like that.

I have to wax philosophical, though for a minute- because it's my blog! I strongly believe in the Biblical storyline of creation. I believe that our bodies were not created for this type of world, and through Adam & Eve's sin, the world as they knew it fell. Fell from perfection to an imperfect world. A world where good people suffer and A suffers from some unknown allergy to a toxin that comes to find her on a regular basis. . . .sigh . . . A world where we work really hard to make a living, and where my sleep schedule is less than ideal, thereby weakening our immune systems even more to those terrible poisons(pollen, cold viruses from a couple of hundred upper elementary children and the likes!) I'd expound further, but I'm afraid I'll have dreams of big, bad viruses and germs coming after me! On that note . . . good night!

1 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

I wonder - are allergies a result of a faulty immune system? Sounds likely.

I like your view on how and why humans are falling apart. One could also look at it as our bodies WERE created for this world but the world has changed to the point where we are having many troubles healthwise. Can we turn it around? I don't know.