Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm A, and I'm an addict . . .

This is the part where you all say, "Hi A!" in a totally non-judgemental sort of way. Then I confess that I've discovered Roasted Garlic flavored Triscuits, and I've eaten almost the whole box since yesterday. And it was GOOD! Y'all have got to get your own box!~~(O wait! That's another kind of treat . . . )

I heard that LP- I just know you said, "and you wonder why you're single??" Yeah, at least there isn't anyone but myself to suffer the garlic after taste later . . . It's one of the perks!

Get your own, then you'll be addicted too and I won't feel so guilty. Oh, yeah, they have whole grains, so I should be pretty darn regular for awhile! I suspect however, that Nabisco's "Sensible Snacking" section on their website doesn't include eating most of a box of any flavor triscuits. Just a suspicion, though. I mean it, go get a box.


Now, you still haven't left to get a box. I can see you.

Yep, you're still here.

They are good, trust me! Go ahead, be gone with you!

6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

I LOVE THOSE TOO! And I already have some in the pantry, so there. I didn't have to leave.

(Except I did, cause I know I'll want more when they run out.) :)

Hope Walls said...

Hi, A. I came over here to see if Babzy's tag appeared. I read this and have to say:

Hi, I'm H. and I'm an addict.

Have you had the Olive Oil & Black Peppercorn ones?

A said...

Olive oil and Peppercorn? No, are they good? As good as the garlic?


A said...

Elise: I'm plotting already too. When and where will I get my next box? Which walmart will I stop by?(I am pretty close to 2 on my trip to and from work) I'm never very far from the next box. That makes it easier. ;)

Philip. said...

We don't have them in England but they sound great!

Anonymous said...

Dang. I think I'm going to fall in love. I honestly hope our local store does not have those fancy Triscuits.