Thursday, September 13, 2007

Honey! I'm HOME!

It's 7:00 and I just walked in the door. For me, that's early. It's like a night "in"! I'm warming up supper, munching on Triscuits and checking in with the "real world". A couple of things about my day:

The sky today was uh-maaazing! This morning there was a long dark set of clouds in the way of the sunset. As the sun was struggling to rise above them, it was blocked by said clouds, but caused the outline of the clouds to glow vibrantly along the top edge. As it rose up, above the cloud/outline was a dark shadow caused by the cloud and above that was radiant beams of sunlight shooting straight up from there. My piddly description cannot possibly do it justice. It was phenomenal. On the trip home, the clouds radiated from the sun. They were in long straight rows arranged in a radial symmetry from the sun. Strange, and again, my words can't do justice.

As I speak, er- type, my smoke alarms are going off in unison. And still I type. I'm getting so good at tuning stuff out . . . I have some premade garlic bread in the oven, actually, HAD some in the oven and even though it isn't burning, the alarms are so sensitive and the air circulation just right to set off the alarms almost every (OH! Blessed silence!!!) time I use my oven. I refused this time and am just TOO tired to get up and run around opening windows. I turned on the stove fan and opened the front door from where I sat. That's as good as it gets tonight. I'll wait it out thanks.

It's been what, 3 weeks at my new job? It was time to start exploring along the drive. There is this little coffee shop in Star Prairie called "This Old Store" or something. They advertise that they roast their own coffee daily. Now- I'm a bit of a coffee deperado, er, I'm desperate for coffee, and LOOOOVE fresh roasted dark roast. We have a great coffeehouse here in town, but we don't roast our own. I stopped in after work today just to check it out. It's great little old building with painted old tin ceilings and WALLS(I've never seen tin walls before!). It's a couple from St. Paul Park, MN and they've bought this business and are hoping to move closer. They really do roast their own. As the lady and I were chatting about coffee, one particular roast caught my attention. Road Trip. A dark roast called Road Trip. I think we're going to be old frineds, Road Trip and I, but I started with a half pound just to work into it gently. I'll let you know for sure this weekend.

Well, I'd write more, but I've just finished the last of my Triscuits and I have to go curl up into the fetal position and rock until the morning comes. I will have to schedule a trip to the store tomorrow.

"It's a hard Knock life for me.

It's a

hard Knock

life for


3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Em said...

One of the true joys in life is finding a good coffee shop on the route you have to drive every day. Makes mornings so much more tolerable.

Anonymous said...

I like the sentence:

"I think we're going to be old friends."

'old' is a gentle prophesy.


Anonymous said...

Had to go for a fasting blood test this morning. The lab was jam packed with twitching people who had not had their morning coffee. As soon as they got my blood I ran like crazy over to Tim Horton's for a gigantic cuppa. That first sip - AHHHHH - I think my eyes went crossed.