Monday, September 24, 2007

It caught me . . .

I got that darned bug that's floating around. I felt it coming, but really hoped I'd get by. I don't know why I bothered hoping, though, I get sick EVERY fall when school starts. Why fight it? I moved my 13 inch TV into my bed room, stayed home from Bible study, called in sick for work tomorrow and am watching the season and series premiers that I would normally miss. Total crash out. I was sooo tired that I had a hard time getting to work this morning. I was 10 minutes early, so I set my cell phone alarm to rest for 5 minutes. I only lasted 3 before I started freaking my new coworkers out. One tapped on my window and asked if I was okay, another mouthed the same thing a minute later, and I knew that the 5 minutes was just not to be. The return trip tonight was just as big of a struggle. My throat hurts, my head hurts, my ears are going funky and I am butt-tired. Maybe I'll finish that tag from Babzy tomorrow . . . maybe.

Good night.

Memory foam, here I come . . .

6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

angely said...

Sorry, I wuz contagious I bet...definately not alergies.

Catmoves said...

Lemon juice (ugh) and green chili stew (yumm). Fix you right up. But you got one thing right. Never, never get sick on a scheduled day off. Save it for weekdays. >(^..~)<

A said...

Mmmm . . . I had a couple of cups of chamomile tea with lemon and honey. It was good. Honey and lemon are both supposed to be good, green chili stew? I'm not that sick!


Unknown said...

Oh, wow. I'm sorry you got the bug. I hope it goes away. There is nothing to make you appreciate wellness like being sick.

whimsical brainpan said...

Feel better soon!

Beverly said...

Oh -- that sounds horrible. I really hope you feel better soon!!