Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hmm. . . the concert extravaganza yesterday went fabulously. It is a monumental undertaking, with a small army participating and I (along with 100 or so of my closest friends) am exhausted. My brain has ceased to function. My body is struggling. Bed time is coming!

On a separate note, I received a bill from Your General Hospital today, well yesterday, but we got the mail today! I'm not sure what the problem was, or what the heck the problem would even have to be to justify sending me a bill from March 11th on September 9th. Unless my fingers deceive me, that's less than a week shy of SIX FLIPPIN' MONTHS! My old insurance had always been fairly on top of things. Certainly not 6 months to process claims! This leads me back to my general irritation and dislike of Nebraska, and the overall strangeness and incompetency of my damn-near-$1000 emergency room visit. They probably charged me for every one of the needles they stuck in me, trying their gosh-durn best to get blood, or the extra time with the nurse while she was asking for details like what I did for a job, while I was curled up trying no to vomit in the waiting area. Or maybe it was the skill of a vet, which I'm still not entirely sure if it meant a vetran, a veterinarian or Yvette. Or maybe they charged by the hour- I mean, c'mon, the more than an hour I spent waiting before the doctor even came in to see me in the EMERGENCY ROOM would have ran the bill up alone, but hey, when you're covered in your own vomit and fighting to control your bowels- you should be grateful that your doctor took the time to shower so at least HE smelled good, right? . . . shudder . . . Okay, I'm done ranting. If you want more, you could always look through the spring break trip archives(March).

Rest assured, in their great generosity, they've given me 10 days to remit the $208.00 in full. If it took 6 months to bill it, how long until they turn me over to the creditors? This would be a great experiment, if it wouldn't mess with my credit! This will be one more clinic with a claim to my life for at least the next several months! (again, don't get me started on health care!)

I think that perhaps I should do some more research as to why it took so long . . .

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Our local news did an interview with a woman in Oregon last week. She needs cancer treatments but can't afford it so she has taken out ads in Canadian papers looking for a Canadian to marry her and bring her to Canada so she can get government funded treatment. She's had a couple of offers, too.

It has always been a mystery to me why governments, ours included, insist on spending money on military endeavours as well as sending billions of dollars to other countries when their own citizens could use it.

Your story is a good example of someone needing medical attention but has to worry about how to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, if you were an un-wed mother in need of delivering her baby, the state would foot the entire bill- no cost to the mother whatsoever for her irresponsibility (I can, of course, say all this without malice, because I myself was an un-wed mother!!)
How is a damsel in distress on a cross country road trip any LESS deserving of government funded aid, I ask you?

It all goes back to the fact that any system created by human beings will be flawed being WE are flawed.

PS-You gotta come to my blog and see my Bible study pictures- they're hilarious!

TWaits said...

Congrats. Two posts in a row. I now have two in a row, guilt free of course...