Saturday, January 5, 2008

Still immature!

I have found a new friend. Queen of the Mayhem and I seem to have similar infantile humor going on. Queen, here is the story I promised you!

Two years ago, I was working at our local High School. Working in a small group setting allowed for many great conversations with my students, usually of the delinquent type!(students, not the conversations!) One such student, we'll call him Scott for now(although I confess to calling him other things at times!) was a Beavis and Butthead sort of sophomore. Scott was a skater punk who, judging by his freshman year attitude was bound and determined to go nowhere- fast! Well one day, I was lecturing Scott on getting through life. The lecture included something like this . . . "we all have hoops to jump through, things to do! I have my work duties to do, just like you have school work to do! If I don't do them, I'll get fired, there are consequences! . . . " When my ramblings had finished, Scott, with a small grin interjects(and his best B&B impression- or maybe not), "Ms. B? Two things: First, you said duty. Second? I don't remember, 'cause you said duty." Get it? Doody? I know that I laughed some at the time, but I've gotten a great amount of laugh mileage out of that story. Huh-huh, you said doody!

Well, that's all well and good, until my pastor begins incorporating the word into his Sunday message! The pain! The horror! He must have used it at least a half-dozen times in his message a few weeks ago! Talk about almost peeing myself! I was choking on my giggles, making pained faces at my closest friends. Trying, desperately, not to make eye contact! I thought I would die! He used it again the next week, and is now peppering his messages with it randomly. I hope it passes from his vocab soon, because honestly a woman can only take so much!

See Queen? You and I might just be infantile soul mates! Huh-huh, you said doody! Yep, I've ruined another word for you now, if it wasn't already!

8 are still reading for some reason . . .:

whimsical brainpan said...


And stuff like that always seems to hit you in church.

A said...

I really believe that God has a sense of humor (He created me after all! and a number of other things that I'm not witty enough to list!). I wonder if He smiles at me, like an indulgent parent? Oh, my silly daughter! She's so weird! I bet that day He was awful tempted to grab me by the ear as a reminder to pay attention!

(This really isn't a solid bit of theology, here! I'm too tired for that!)

Unknown said...

Tee hee. You said butt. I don't know what else you wrote about here, because I was too busy laughing at "butthead."

Anonymous said...

My Gramma would have called you a Giggling Gertie for laughing in church. LOL

Anonymous said...

I also have one of those minds. And beleive me, it can hit at the most innapropriate times! We were at our company Christmas party and one of my bosses was commentating the gift exchange and used a word that my son commonly uses for his male anatomy. I thought I would die!! And all I could think was, I really don't think you can say that here!!!

Anonymous said...

There wasn't any note passing between you and another person that Sunday, was there? I noticed a little skirmish up there were you sit a couple Sundays ago and I was wondering what that was all about!

Check out my latest post- it's an ode to out bible study.

PS- How'd you find Queen of the Mayhem? I haven't visited her for awhile!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

GOOD LORD.....I LOVE this story! I would do the exact same thing!

In fact...Mr. Mayhem and I watched "Talladega Nights" one Saturday night. In it...the characters pray, "Dear 8 pound, 6 ounce baby Jesus."

The next morning,in church, the sheriff was singing, "That Little Baby". Everytime he said that line...Mr. Mayhem fell OUT laughing. It was quite the commotion!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda!

Yes, I love Anne of Green Gables, and it's been awhile.
