Thursday, January 31, 2008

What state do you live in? And WHY?

I squealed out loud when I saw that the temperature forcasted for tomorrow is a whopping 24 degrees above zero. Sometimes I wonder why I live in this wonderful state called Wisconsin?

Family is probably my first and foremost reason for living here. I was born in Minnesota and moved here when I was 3 days old. That wold be the easiest answer to the question for me. I do have a favorite part of Wisconsin. The rolling hills and green-ness in the summer can't be beat. Ooh, and Fall and Spring are fantastic! Yes, we have -20 degree temperatures with a degree of regularity. And 100 degrees with nearly 100% humidity in the summer isn't out of the question. Mood swings, er- temperature swings of 50 degrees within a 24 hour day. Well, Spring and Fall go a long way towards smoothing that over. Spring is coming . . .

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Unknown said...

You know, I like it here in the summer. But man these winters are harsh. Ouch.

Unknown said...

hey you- i tried to comment on your blog the other week and i think it didnt work? anyway never mind...

to answer your question, i live in Tasmania! i have lived here since May...and the reasons are complex and random at the same time. the most prominent factor is that it is beautiful here.

never been to wisconsin are making me want to visit!

whimsical brainpan said...

While Wisconsin is beautiful I would never be able to stand the winters there. *shivers*