Sunday, February 3, 2008

A conundrum.

The Super Bowl- which team do I want to win? Neither. That is the absolute answer. The Giants stomped my beloved Pack, who should have made it to this game. The Patsies defeated us the last time we made it to the Super Bowl. I was in it for the commercials. I disliked the Giants a little less than the Patsies, if only because I didn't want to see the Pats make it through a perfect season. At 19 seconds left in the game, I think it's a safe bet.

I hope you all still like me. No hurt feelings? Em- this too shall pass.


3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

I wanted the Giants to win because they DID beat the Packers and the better they do in the SB, the better the team the pack lost to, and that just means they are in a little better position rank-wise. Did this make any sense? If not, it's probably all that elmer's glue I've been eating...

whimsical brainpan said...

I was rooting for the Giants.

It was a great game wasn't it!

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Not hurt at all. ;)

I spent the evening with my two-year-old; hubby took the boys to a Bowl party.

We had tea, and she salted my "pizza" and made me eat three hot dogs. I don't know how they do tea where she comes from, but it was yucky.

I missed the queso. That's all I'm into the parties for! :D