Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Additional sickness:

I could not remember last night the other sickness related story I was going to post until I was laying in bed trying to force sleep (this is not normally a problem!).

In addition to the Halloween candy comment . . .

The temperature in my classroom was fluctuating wildly (had to have been the room temp!) so I left my door open for circulation. Now, normally I'm a door-closed kind of person. Just me? Door closed. A room full of America's Most Wanted? Again, door closed.

I'd just gotten to my prep and was getting ready to shut down and die (it was after all the very end of a very long day!). The doctor that I'd seen in Urgent Care had given me some antibiotics to start if my body hadn't righted itself by Sunday (magical 10 days of disease). I was trying to hold out, but by the end of the day, I was literally talking myself into taking them. I conceded defeat, just in time for one of my coworkers to hear me as she walked by. She did a double take, thinking I was on the phone-- But I Wasn't! She comes bouncing in, "Are you talking to yourself??" With a blank look reminiscent of the "Halloween candy look" I simply responded, "yes."

Out of 4 special ed teachers in my school, 2 were out sick(one sick, one sick child). The third left at 1:40 for a meeting, along with our fearless principal! I think maybe it's my turn again tomorrow. Or maybe on Thursday? I could drown my single self in Tagalong ice cream!?!? Or maybe I'll just nurse that ice cream all week . . . . Or maybe I'll just get ready for bed now and take each day as it comes.



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