Monday, March 19, 2007

(don't) Visit South Dakota . . .

We are finally home, as of 3:30 am Sunday morning. Very tired. Wyoming was REALLY long, butt long even! South Dakota was just as long and boring. God has a sick sense of humor I think, in the very short time that I've watched TV since being home, I've seen the "visit South Dakota" commercial at least 3 times. It's sick. It really is no where near as exciting as they make it look . . .

Must sleep . . .


9 are still reading for some reason . . .:

angely said...

Yes, I saw the commercial too and went UGHH and then HAHAHAHAHAHA. They showed Waldrug, the Corn palace and Mount Rushmore...thats it folks...nothing else to see...move along please...for your own sake move along. Though at least you can legally go 75 throught there...or 80 if your desperate...which I assure you you will be....Oh yah...two other good things...Dances with Wolves and Little house on the Praire...thats it. But that is seasonal...enjoy at your own risk!!

Anonymous said...

If you think South Dakota was boring from the road, you should see it from inside the Beatle County Jail in Huron, SD. It even SOUNDS like a boring place, don't it? (Believe me, IT WAS.)

Glad you're back safely!
No more chum, OK?

A said...

Funny, I can really relate to the jail feeling . . .

Anonymous said...


imagine sinister laugh as you view it:
bwah ha ha

Unknown said...

wow are you guys serious??? i LOVe South and North Dakota...the Badlands are among the most stunning landscapes I have ever, ever seen! The black hills are beautiful with all their wildflowers and streams...rapid city has some great artists...oh well. to each his or her own i guess!

Danielle said...

Mama, that picture is most bizarre and wonderful...
a, glad you're home sweetie.

A said...

Lynette- HI!!!! I guess it's all a matter of perspective. At that point our focus was HOME! We managed to travel Wyoming on the diagonal, and then the length of South Dakota. It all started to blend together! We'd driven through the Rockies in Colorado, and after that, all else kind of pales. Do you ever miss Logan? It was absolutely beautiful, as normal!

LP- the cat is funny! Your art work?

Roo- I'm glad I'm home, too. It was so good to see you all tonight! We are so blessed! What a family, and what a body of Christ we get to be part of!

I am still planning on uploading more pics, but who has the time? I'm going to a conference for work tomorrow and will return on Friday. Maybe I'll have time in my hotel room tomorrow night? I hope we'll have wi-fi! Be sure to check back!


S.B.G. said...

South Dakota boring?!I'd have to agree with Lynette....all in a stretch there it's the Black Hills, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore....nothing to sneeze at there. And for a little kitsch the Corn Palace is a quirky must see as is the silly Wall Drug. It's a very worthwhile experience, in fact I'm hoping SD is on our list of vacations next year--not so far and lots to do off that southern hwy. But yes you saw a lot of gorgeous so perhaps in comparison it seems to pale :-). Pics I must see pics sometime. A mere handful doesn't quench my thirst. They're beautiful though!

Anonymous said...

No, I'm afraid I can't take credit for the cat artwork. I would've made it much more graphic and disturbing- ha ha.