Saturday, March 3, 2007

An In-Lightened Moment . . . .

Deep thoughts by A:

As I walked into the bathroom this morning at work, I had an epiphany. A revelation, if you will. (Oddly enough, it's fairly common for my deep thoughts to happen in locations such as this . . .) The bathroom at our school has motion sensored lights. The switch must be on, and then there must also be movement. In theory, if you sat long enough in one position, the lights could shut off on you, leaving you in the dark (but that would be a little weird). The reality is that sometimes the switch is on, but it looks pitch dark in there. Those are the times(like this morning) that you just have to go on faith and walk boldly into the room(and sometimes around the corner) flailing your arms until the sensor wakes up to the fact that there is indeed someone in the room and then turns on. (I giggle at this every time, but thankfully it's dark and no one else can see me!) You feel more than a bit ridiculous, buy hey, how bad do you want that light on, you know?

Anyway, this morning I had the thought that this brought a new visual to the phrase "coming boldly before the throne". Bear with me a moment. The Bible talks about the fact that we as Christians (we have already turned that light switch on) are able to boldly approach the throne of God. That our sins have been covered (Due to God's perfection we cannot approach Him without a sin offering, which is Jesus) and now we get to boldly approach Him. He doesn't expect us to crawl, wimper, email or text. We are friends and children and we can walk right in, flailing our arms and He receives us gladly. All we have to do is approach and take action. Make sense? Now, I can't take the analogy much further, although I do get to get rid of some very nasty stuff from the inside of me that Jesus took on Himself in my place, but maybe that gets to be a little disturbing. (of course, why we as Christians keep trying to take that stuff back may be a topic for another post entirely. Oh wait, I digress!) I'd better finish the analogy there. :)

This has been your daily devotional, brought to you by the letter A and the number 2.

"And so dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. . . . And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's people, let us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting in Him. For our evil consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water." Hebrews 10:19, 21-22 (NLT)

BTW- can you tell I'm operating on very little sleep? Makes my world a bit giddy! LOL

6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

angely said...

SOOOO Right.....and yet soooo wrong!!!HAHAHAHAHA

Muhd Imran said...

You can never stagnate with technology. You will loose light of its advances.

Stopping by from LP.
Have a good week ahead.

Anonymous said...

So,...does that make Jesus' blood kinda like toilet paper- "cleansing us" or is that going a bit too far?

Just had to ask.

TWaits said...

you've cracked. welcome to our world.

Danielle said...

a, that was brilliant.. i'll try and share my throne moments with you too honey. and believe me, i'm not shy about details, i was a CNA fer cryin' out loud, moo-ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

A said...

I wondered if I'd crossed the line, but looking back- it's still funny!

Imran- thanks for the comment! Technology has some funny aspects, doesn't it? We also have sinks that are motion sensored and toilets that flush automatically! It's great until the batteries go dead!

LP- Great addition to the analogy! I hadn't considered that area! Very funny! I think that maybe that's why we're friends?