Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm still here!

I must repent. I have joined the ranks of those who fail to keep up with their blog. A quick overview of the last weeks . . . I returned from vacation and 4 days later rode a couple of hours to an assistive technology conference. It was pretty good. I really like that sort of stuff. As a special education teacher, it's so fascinating to see the new technology that is coming available to help my kids and others with disabilities to become more independent! Sorry, a tangent. I then went to my parents on Saturday, it's been so long since I've seen the Fam. I missed them. 45 minutes is the perfect distance . . . My oldest niece turned 13 on Monday. Yikes. The older she gets the older I seem to be getting. Funny how that works!(BTW- I made them look at almost all of my pictures! Torture!)

This week I've started the job search for next year. I love my current job. I love my current job. I love my current job. Sorry, I got caught in the recitation . . . I DO like my job, but it's not exactly the job I'd like to have for the next 10 years. I'm working as a paraeducator/paraprofessional and I need to BE the professional. It's been a great visit, but I can't stay. There are multiple jobs in the area. So many applications!

I'm also starting homebound instruction for a couple of kids from school who are out for medical reasons and we're just about 2 weeks from the end of the forensics season at the high school. We'll be wrapping up with our state competition in Madison Wisconsin on Friday the 13th. Things might slow down after that. Maybe not!

I'm really not complaining. I promise! These are all things that I've chosen to do. Things that I actually enjoy doing! Again with the recitation. Sometimes I just need to remind myself of these things! I get so busy that I let myself get lost in the details! I do apologize if I neglect the blog. Maybe I'll pencil it in my schedule, "think of witty discussions for your blog!" :)

I have a retreat this weekend that I'm really looking forward to! So much quality time with my pals! I can't wait!

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you've repented. Now, in the coming weeks, we'll see if it's true repentance.

PS- Like my pic? Scary, huh.

A said...

Remember those barbie style-a-head things? You styled their hair and added makeup? Yeah, well- I was wondering how you got a picture of mine? Have you been visiting my Fam?