Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bring it on Home . . .

I heard this song on my trip home tonight. Over tired and beat up(almost literally!). It really resonates within me of my relationship with God. He knows what I need, and is wooing me to bring it on home to Him. I long to give it all up to Him, but sometimes that weight on my shoulders makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. Really, His burden is easy and light. The one I hold on to is exhausting. I've found myself encouraging my high schoolers to unload on me, I have broad shoulders, I can handle it, better than a teenager at least! God wants that for me. He's got a much better grip on this life of mine!

It's a great song.

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this music video. Is this what they sing in church these days? Very nice.

A said...

I heard it on the country radio station. Purely secular. Has a great feel and message, though. I'd sing it! We do have some other great upbeat music that we sing, though!