Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Road Trip . . .

I've had so many questions about how my new job and my commute are going (all of my adoring fans! . . . or the voices in my head?) that I thought I'd better address it. The 1 hour 15 minute drive is oddly not boring (either direction). My first of many obstacles is the darkness itself. I'll speak to all you "normal" folks who are probably not on the road by 6:15 am. We are losing daylight quickly friends.It's dark for the majority of my drive now and it's only October. Yikes.

The next obstacle that I face is the weather, in this case, torrential downpours. Okay, even mere sprinkles make the drive a little harder. Construction has for the most part abated. The cones are still looming at the side of the freeway, mocking me, threatening to creep back out to the middle of my lanes, attempting to force 2 lanes of traffic through only one lane. Next are those damnable moving targets. No, not other drivers, but animals! I've seen dogs, cats, fox, (dead) skunk, and most recently deer. Thanks for staying out of my path little critters!

Overcoming obstacles . . .

I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve to avoid these obstacles, including a strong cuppa french pressed joe, and some loud music. I'm trying to set me a new record on the number of times in a day I can hear the same song. My latest record is today's 4 of Matchbox Twenty's newest song. Add in hearing them interview live on TWO, count them, 2, radio stations and I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that I spend too much time in the car! Another favorite includes Delilah by the Plain White Tees. My next car will be better on gas mileage and have louder speakers! Perhaps my favorite way of overcoming the boredom obstacle is entertaining myself. Singing so loudly the lady 3 cars behind me, and the inevitable farm machinery operator in front of me, can hear me clearly. Dancing so wildly my car lurches. Talking on my cell phone. Channel surfing on the radio, I mean who can beat driving to "Dancing Queen" or "Another One Bites the Dust" or a good Flashdance song? And who can help but dance? Last but not least, smiling while stuck in traffic(sometimes combined with any of the above). So if you ever see someone like myself bee-bopping to the tunes that are causing their car to bounce, simply wave and smile back, mmmkay? It will make their day!

6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

angely said...

When she says channel surfing and singing (aka screaming) the latest Matchbox twenty song...she means it...Just kidding...not really but who cares...lol. She is definately having fun.haha

whimsical brainpan said...

I'm glad that you are making the best of it.

Unknown said...

Four of the same Matchbox Twenty song? I'd probably drive myself off the road at No. 3.

I think I can handle an hour on the road so long as it's a legitimate hour. It's the illegitimate, traffic-related hours I don't care much for.

jen said...

I continue to think you're not updating your blog, and it continues to be a problem getting your blog to hit my reader. It worked before....don't know what the problem is. I like "Delilah" as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda. If only all rush-hour drivers would learn to enjoy the drive with music and coffee there would be more hand-waving and less finger-waving.

Dancing Queen?? LOL
You are GROOVY baby.

Pink Icing said...

I find singing in the car is like singing in the shower - no one else can hear the same as me.....
Isn't it great; singing, bopping, smiling. Good for everyones morale. Keep it up sister!

Great pics, as always, reflecting the story