Saturday, October 13, 2007

A long week, for a short one!

After typing my title, I began to ponder that it could mean a couple of different things. 1. That the week was long, considering it was a "short week", or B. It was a long week for me, a short person. Okay, well that made sense in my head anyway! This is why I sometimes wait so long to post. If I try to force blogging deep thoughts, you end up with vertically challenged folk under unusual amounts of stress.

Seriously, though. This week marked another couple of firsts in my new job. My first parent-teacher conferences on Monday night and Wednesday afternoon. I was at work Monday from 7:45am to 7:45pm. Yaaawn . . . figure in the 1 hour 15 minute commute before the day and again after and double YAAWWNN! Wednesday the kids got out early so we could have more parent-teacher conferences. I also hosted my first IEP meeting. This is where I plan, with the input of parents, regular education teachers, and other interested individuals, a student's educational goals, accommodations and testing for the next year, while looking back at the last year and the student's present levels of performance. I promise, this is the last time I will lapse into quite so many details about special education. I won't bore you with IEPs, LRE, PLEPs, LD, EBD, CD, ADD or ABCs. Special education really does have it's own alphabet. I promise, I'm done. I'll move on, ASAP!

I had Thursday and Friday off of work to recuperate. I had seriously considered going to our local teacher's convention, but sleep called my name more loudly! It was a great weekend of visiting with my family, shopping, garage sale-ing, and going out to eat. Refreshing.

I hope to post more later, a meme as of yet unfulfilled, something more creative perhaps? I'm sapped . . .

Thanks Dorky Dad for the shout out! I mean, shucks! It's nice to know you care! My thanks to all who swung on by to visit! Hope to see you all again soon!

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Teacher teacher I know what ABC means. Do I get a sticker?

whimsical brainpan said...

I'm glad you got a chance to relax.