Saturday, October 6, 2007

Quick fix.

I arrived home from my folks tonight to find that my neighbors across the street are apparently having a party in the back parking lot of the apartment complex. One that sounds like it involves live music. I could feel my hackles rising with every bass beat. I was tired and hot and fighting to keep my peace. I went outside and looked at my neighbors' apartment and their lights were still on. I tapped lightly on their door and to my joy, hubby answered. He would shut their windows and I would turn on the central air. Summer came back this week and I was hot! At 10:30, it was still in the upper 70s, with a low of lower 70s, and humid! It seemed like a good excuse to turn on the air, making it possible to sleep with the windows closed, adding one more barricade to the aggravating bass and loud tunes coming from the college students across the street. I will certainly sleep better with the air than I would have without!

Good night!


After thought: As I'm checking some blogs, Saturday Night Live (SNL) is on. I looked up to see that they were doing a piece called Rowlf and the Swedish Chef. I'm not sure it was all clean, as some of the conversation may have had more in it than I was listening to, but I'd recommend you check it out if you like or liked the Muppets at some point! I thought it was great costuming and fun to see anyway! I'm pretty sure NBC has now put SNL online, which means that after 2:00am you'll be able to check it out at It's towards the end, past the Weekend Update and before what I sense to be the last music number. I love the Muppets . . . they take me way back.

5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading about your hot weather while at the same time looking out my window at the gathering clouds and wind. It's cold and dark even at 9:30 AM.

Better get the old snowmobile serviced and chop some wood for the igloo.

Pink Icing said...

Hot weather??! Good gracious, how wonderful. Rain and drizzle her in England. Seems like the surge of the sun has sent a surge of something or another into your neighbours(note the UK spelling!!)
May the peace be with you......

A said...

. . . and also with you!

whimsical brainpan said...

We're setting record highs here.

I love the Muppets too. :-)

Pink Icing said...

Hmm, I really should get on a plane and witness all this wonderful weather for my self....oh no, I can feel an escape plan evolving...Enjoy it all