Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I kept watering . . .

. . . and they hatched! We went from 5 to 3 eggs, although I don't know how. I have to water the plant, though, or these little guys will have no protection from the elements. I take the hanging planter down and oh-so-carefully water it around the edge. They are so little! I can see them breathing , but they're just a little heap of fur/feathers right now. They live about 30 feet from a busy highway. Not a location I would have chosen!

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Pink Icing said...


Unknown said...

What hatched? Did I miss something? And why do they choose locations so near highways?

A said...

DD- check out my July 7th post, it's just water, right?

Odd, but quite cute!