Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Conservation of Happiness

During our college years, my BF Sarah had a theory. She called it "The Law of the Conservation of Happiness". There was only a limited amount of happiness in this world to go around. This explains why, in a group of friends, family, work setting, etc., whenever one person is having a great day, someone else is having a crummy one. Don't like it? Don't worry, give it a day or so- it'll change! This theory seems to have proven itself out time and again.

I have a new theory, inspired by my blogging pal, Dorky Dad, creatively titled "The Law of the Conservation of Blogging Happiness". Almost immediately after I made some wicked cool changes to my blog template and settings(although I'm sure I'm not cool enough to have many readers who noticed!) DD began having issues with his. He is still unable to get it back to a relative "normal". My theory is that there is only so much blogger happiness to go around. I inadvertently stole DD's blogging happiness! I guess I'm sorry . . . but I'm not giving it back. I've finally got mine, for now any way!

DD is going to make some changes to his blog, so consider yourselves warned- his happiness must come from some where! Hold on to your blogging shoes!

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Unknown said...

Oooh! Can I pick the person from whom I take their blogger happiness? Not that I particularly relish taking away someone's happiness ... I just crave power.

Come to think of it I'll just find a way to siphon happiness into my blog from some other source, therefore increasing the total amount of blog happiness so I don't take anybody else's.

A said...

Ahh, so much more noble than I!

Good luck with that, though. I'm pretty sure it's a LAW, meaning you can't change it. Let me know if you find a loop hope for the laws of the blogging universe, though, okay? Don't worry, though, it's not permanent!