Sunday, July 8, 2007

I take drugs . . .

. . . in my sleep. Every night I gather up my medications for the night and the first thing in the morning, placing the morning dose in an easily opened container beside my bed. I began this practice when I first began taking my thyroid medication. Our thyroid gland is a remarkable gland, affecting parts of your body too numerous to list. For me, one of the symptoms, other than INCREDIBLE severe fatigue, was that my feet and hands hurt terribly, especially in the morning. It was impossible for me to open those damnable childproof bottles, especially in the morning when the pain was at it's worst. That being said, sometimes during the night while I'm apparently sound asleep, I empty the contents of my little easily opened container, with out having a clue that I've done so. How weird is that? I've never found any pills scattered around, and no open windows to indicate a repeat intruder. I have no pets(that aren't in a cage or aquarium), no children and now I live by myself. It seems to happen on those nights when I'm more exhausted than normal, like last night. Unless my alter-self is actually rebelling against the lifetime sentence to medication and staggers to the toilet to flush them at some god-forsaken hour without me knowing or waking up- I take drugs in my sleep. Please, if you ever encounter me on a corner dealing the stuff, please, please wake me up and send me home.


5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

That is the strangest thing. It's like you're sleep-walking. Hopefully you ARE ingesting the pills and NOT flushing them or losing them somewhere or selling them. ha

A said...

Sleep drugging?

Unknown said...

My mom just had thyroid surgery. She sounds like a villain from an old British science fiction TV series but says she feels great.

A said...

I hope she recovers quickly. She'll be on synthroid, then? I'm guessing that's the case. It's great stuff, my doctor assures me that it's one of the most natural drugs you can take, it almost exactly replicates the real thing. It's cheap, too, as far as drugs go. I will never cease to be amazed, though, at how much control that little gland has over our bodies!

bluemountainmama said...

sleep-drugging....haha! the things we do in our subconscious states...humans are such strange beings. :)

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