Tuesday, July 3, 2007

She's right.

I was talking on the phone to my friend, Jen tonight and I must confess, she's right, I need to update my blog more often. How can I hope that people will stop by and set a spell when I've given them nothing to read? I'll work on that. I've given Jen an outline for a post I'm going to do and she'll hold my feet to the fire, I'm sure! Until then, I just wanted to do a quick mini-post! The post involves finding old pictures and scanning them in and narrating them! Here is a picture of Jen back when we were roommates(the first time). She was instrumental in my salvation, and especially in my early Christian discipleship. She is greatly appreciated. Two nights of our recent vacation were spent at her and her hubby, Seth's house in Utah. The second picture is of her and Seth decorating for Christmas in the house Jen and Sarah and I shared for a short while in 1999.

Stay tuned for more . . .

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

jen said...

I didn't realize that encouraging you to blog was going to result in embarrassing pictures of me with big bangs! Good memories though. :)

A said...

I'm kind of thinking of putting up more pics of my old roomies at some point. Remember the finals fatalities scene? Or the late night Rocky Horror Picture Show? Lots of memories . . .

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the same thing as Jen. I had given up on reading your blog, A, until I got your comment this morning. You've been holding that giant fish for well over a week now.

Old photos are fun especially if they're of someone else.