Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Busy bee.

What a busy day! My housework has completely gone to the wayside, so this week is a time to take back my house! I've been tackling my kitchen, beginning Thursday when I dumped a half gallon of iced tea on the floor. Mopping the whole floor inspires me to make the rest sparkle, too! I cleaned my guinea pig cage, did dishes, watered my birds because the plant was wilting, forgot the water on in my garden, added a shelf to my closet area, patched the holes I put in the wall while doing it(oops!), folded and put away the last couple of weeks worth of laundry, and went on an overall organizing bender! Now I must slow my brain, read my Bible for a bit and hit the hay! I've seriously not sat down for hours . . .

The weather here is fantastic right now! A cool front went through, lowering the temps to mid to upper 70s for the next couple of days. My absolute ideal weather! "They" say it should get down to upper 50s lower 60s tonight. Prime sleeping weather, if only I would get to it!

Today I had a student slip and get mildly injured at school. As I was trying to figure out what was wrong with him and if he was okay, a little girl came up to inspect the situation (both are 7 or 8 years old) when he announced he was okay, she paused, and decided the situation warranted a comment. Apparently lacking any thing in depth, she let out "Uff da!!", paused again and then ran off to rejoin the game! OMG! I laughed so hard!

My second story involved a little boy who took on the coach role of a student organized soccer game. We were taking a break and they wanted to play, so Coach began organizing. When two kids grid locked on the goalie position, he announced that he'd do a coin toss. I'd heard him do a coin toss to decide who went first, and only vaguely wondered where this 7 year old had come up with a coin. He promptly dictated the toss. "Heads or tails?" he asked the kids. The first kid responded "heads" and the second child also echoed "heads". Ha! After explaining the nature of the toss(if he chooses heads, you have to be tails!) he repeated "Heads or tails?" to which the kids responded appropriately "heads, tails". Coach then responded "It was Tails. You're goalie." He then turned to me and explained in an aside that he doesn't really have a coin, he used his imaginary one, and he just chose one! Again, I really was laughing my backside off! I guess the funniest part is that neither of the other kids had a problem with his imaginary coin toss! One went to the goal, and the other promptly returned to the field! I wonder at what age kids get that they've been bamboozled? When they walk away thinking "Hey!!" as the light turns on?

3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Unknown said...

Uff da! Did you clean the floors with iced tea? Does it work? And if so, what kind of floors?

A said...

Um, they were the dirty, wet kind of floors. And yes, much cleaner then before they started. It mixed well with the lemon smell of floor cleaner . . . :)

Beverly said...

Sounds like you've been busy! I need to tackle my house too. I made it to the kitchen and the bathrooms, but I want to give the bedrooms a deep cleaning. Hope you are getting some rest!