Saturday, July 7, 2007

It's just water . . . right?

It rained Tuesday afternoon. Quite hard, torrential downpours, I'd say. I have a plant that a friend bestowed upon me hanging on my front porch(said the porch needed something that I just wasn't giving it, or something to that effect). Tuesday. For a timeline for this story, today is Friday. On Tuesday, getting back to the story, I sat the coleus plant down where the water ran off the roof to get watered. Looked fairly normal. Friday afternoon I went outside and began watering the plant with a little watering can. Much to my surprise, a bird flew out of the plant and continued flying around the area. After watering the plant with almost half of the small can, I began to wonder why the bird was flying around. Uh-oh. I carefully took the plant down off it's hook and peered inside. My suspicions were confirmed. Said bird had built a nest and deposited 4 small eggs, since Tuesday. Jeepers, I haven't even been able to finish my dishes since then. Busy little guy, er gal.

Now, I guess I'll have to carefully water around the eggs. I watered them well today, but it was fortunately just water. They should be fine with that, right? On the other hand, it is MY plant, and not a very good place to build a family! We'll see what the summer holds for these little guys. I didn't volunteer for more pets! :) Will they grow more quickly with a little Miracle Grow?


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