Thursday, July 5, 2007

Memorable moment.

A memorable post-fireworks highlight.

I was driving in my car with my friend and her 7 year old man child. It unfolds as follows . . .

Adult chatter,

Child pipes up: I thought I might have got a bug in my mouth. Silence. (deep in thought, maybe?)

Me: Oh yeah? But now you don't think so? Silence.

Adult chatter resumes.

Child: I DID get a bug in my mouth. Blech! Sputter! Yuck!

Friend/Mom: At least you didn't swallow it, then there is no way to get rid of it!

Continued chatter about ways to get rid of it, not to be described here . . .

Child: It could be my body pet.

"It's not ringworm, it's my pet fungus, Ralph!"
"It's Terry the tapeworm!"

I think I'll avoid body pets.

5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

jen said...

slackergirl. i'll be waiting. still.

Unknown said...

Terry the Tapeworm? How about Peter the Parasite?

Gretchen said...

Or...Freddy the Fluke. Amos the Amoeba... Donald Dysentery...

Sounds like my house. :P

Anonymous said...

Larry the Louse.

Hey, notice all these pests are male which is good because females will lay a billion eggs!

A said...

I'm partial to Franky the Fungi, myself!

Gretchen: If only you could see my house! It always baffles me how quickly it all gets out of hand! But for me we'd have to add Carson the Carpenter Ant, too . . . yuck! Or is it just that your family likes to sit around and name their own body pets? :)