Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A good day . . .

Today was a good day. My Bible study tonight was great, with some darn good hang out time afterwards. I'm teaching summer school and we started back after having last week off. Only 3 more days of "Fun in the Sun" which involves spending all morning out in the sun running little kids around. Next week starts Math class. Both are fun, and FitS tried to make my arms more tan. (more tan that lily white, not bad!) I've almost got a tan line from my sandals. Except for the mandatory "farmer's tan", I haven't had any sort of tan line since the 1980's. Not too bad!

Hope your day went swell. Neato, even!


6 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

You can buy a fake tan and stay out of harsh sun. You don't want wrinkles or worse. Not worth it.

A said...

Yeah, but fun in the "fake tan" doesn't have the same ring, though, does it? Fun in the Tanning Bed has a whole different ring, too!

Anonymous said...

True, it's just not the same as sizzling under the sun. I don't do the fake or the tan bed, either. I'm like a patchwork quilt. I just go about my business. If the sun gets me, it gets me.

A said...

I get freckles when the sun hits me, so I have varying levels of polka dots depending on the exposure to sun . . . You just can't plan these things!

Anonymous said...

Did you realize your blog template has a million polka dots on it?

A said...

Yeah, well, I looked for a template with only 999,999 dots, but they don't make them.

Seriously though, I would like a new template, but I'm not skilled enough to find one if it's not provided by blogger, and I do so like the colors on this one . . .

Thanks for visiting!