Sunday, February 11, 2007


Guess what? No. HmmMmm. Nope, that's not it either! Okay, I'll tell you! Olivia Faith came home from the hospital today! She seems to be doing okay but is still getting used to eating again. She is peaceful and happy and has yet to get mad. Before all of this she would get upset and then turn blue and require oxygen to get her levels back up. I really hope that this was because of the heart issue . . .

I am just amazed at the road that lil' Olivia has been on in the last 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks ago Aaron and Tori had the worst news they could imagine . . . unfixable. Then surgery. Lest we think that the surgery was really at the hands of the surgeons, a fever of 105, should we still think that the doctors healed her, he let her have the tremors/spasms. The doctors didn't seem to have had an answer for that one! God has proven himself yet again. Thanks so much, God!

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

The human body that God created is so utterly amazing- like, wow! We heal! I am not being sarcastic, here-
Think if we could invent a car that could heal itself- grow a new fender or something!
That would be so miraculous!
And yet we just roll with it when our bodies heal themselves like it's no big deal (unless it's a life or death kind of healing like Olivia's was)- THEN we take notice! OK, it's late and I'm rambling- gotta go!

A said...

No doubt about it, God is good! Isn't it amazing that He knows and cares about each of us so intimately? He loves us and is so concerned with every detail. I am amazed at the detail he put into the "design" of our bodies and the concern He continues to show for every aspect of my life . . . . Now I'm rambling. And I can't spell. I'm going to bed!