Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sometimes I forget . . .

Sometimes I forget that I am a girl. That God has made me just the way He wants me- a girl! In our singles' study we are reading a book called Master, Mission, Mate by Ken Graves. He explains that the language of Genesis implies that God created Adam in His image and then created Eve from Adam. Not in addition to Adam, but by taking a part of Himself from Adam. That together we make fully illustrate God's image. It's a cool thought. Sometimes we try to be what we are not.

What brought this up tonight? Last night I bought pink paisley/floral flannel sheets for my bed. I wasn't sure how I felt about them last night, but now I love them! I can see them from where I sit in my Dorset Gold living room, which I realize is a "girl" color. I finally went outside this evening to clear a foot+ of snow from my car, and I left a square on the very top, just so I could be reminded of the total amount of snow, I guess. No man that I know would ever do that. I then finished it off by making a snow angel in my backyard. I wouldn't even get to do all these things if I was a married girl!

This morning I looked outside at about 7:00am to see that Daniel(landlord, neighbor, friend) had already snowblowed and shoveled this morning. He was loading up the snow blower to go snowblow other people's drives, I think, with Chad. I was very glad then that I wasn't a boy. Even if I had to do the shoveling or snow blowing (which thankfully I don't!) I wouldn't enjoy it enough to travel with it! Boys are so weird!

***I'm not bashing, though. I do realize there are good points in the design of both sexes, and can only truly appreciate them the longer I walk with God. All in all, I am just glad to be who God created me to be!

BTW- I think we got nearly a foot and a half of snow this weekend, and it's still coming down! It made for a great snow angel!

10 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Danielle said...

What did those baboons in your back yard do when you made the snow angel?

Danielle said...

Vern came over and snowblew our sidewalk for us, where the snowplows dumped like 4 feet!! He too couldn't stop there and moved on to the neighbor's house. Boys...

A said...

Vern who? Maybe I've just never experience the POWER of a snowblower? Oooh Oooh Oooh!

Hey - those baboons were right there cheering me on! They actually showed me how to make a snow angel, that's why they are covered in snow!


TWaits said...

You're a girl.

A said...


Gene Bach said...

You just continue being who you are and do not try and be someone you are not. A lot of people get into some serious trouble that way.

Take care.

A said...

Gene- Thanks so much for stopping by! Welcome!

I agree about the just being who I am. For so long I fought against it, thinking that being a girl meant that I had to enjoy pink(among other things!) and I HATED pink. :) I've since come to an understanding, a peace, with who God has made me to be, and am actually really enjoying the ride!(for Ex. snow angels!) It's almost like He knows me better than I do! :)

And- BTW- I now thoroughly enjoy pink! LOL!


S.B.G. said...

I still hate pink and things that are too flowery...but I fit many other qualifiers...namely my love of chocolate methinks :-)

I've seen lots of things in these 'ol woods, but I've yet to see a babboon. Now wouldn't that be interesting :-)

Danielle said...

it's ok that you're a bit girly a, i've seen you move furniture like a champ, attach a bike carrier to the car, take "someone's" nose ring out with a pliers,... you're pretty tough in my book. So i'll let the squirrely sheets slide, this time...

Karla said...

Yay! it's neat to read your blog. I never get to talk to you anymore. Good to know what's going on in your life beyond the once-a-week 30-second pre-coffeehouse briefing.