Monday, February 5, 2007

Plagarized good news

Yep, I just copy and pasted this from Aaron. I'm too (mentally) tired to pick out the highlights and summarize. It's great news, though, and I wanted to update those who are praying.

Aaron says:
Today has been probably the best day since Olivia’s surgery. She had another restful night, and was actually awake and happy when we came down this morning. She was weaned down on her pain and sedation medications, but was still calm. The plan this morning was the same as it has been for the past 3 days - give her a shot at a spontaneous trial with the ventilator off, and then make a decision about taking the ventilator out. The day before yesterday, she did not do well on the trial, and yesterday, her chest x-ray did not look good, so the extubation was postponed both days. Today, though, she passed her spontaneous trial and her x-ray showed that her lungs had improved, so was able to be extubated! It was definitely a big step for her. She has done well for the past 3 hours, so we are hopeful that she will keep progressing with her breathing. The next step will be to start her back on her feedings by mouth. The plan right now is that she will be able to start tomorrow. They have been giving her breast milk right into her small intestine, and will move the feeding tube into her stomach tonight and see how she does. They also took her catheter out today, which definitely makes her more comfortable! The other plan tomorrow is that they will take out her pacing wires. She has basically had a pacemaker since surgery in order to make sure her heart will beat correctly again after being on the heart/lung bypass machine. It is just a bedside procedure, so it should hopefully not take too long. Her heart rhythm has been good for the past couple of days, so she shouldn’t need the pacemaker anymore.

2 are still reading for some reason . . .:

A said...

I give up. Whatever color I use looks absolutely pshyco! I'll keep trying, sorry if it burns any retinas!

Danielle said...

I like your new page!