Saturday, February 3, 2007


My little Olivia came through her open heart surgery just fine. They opened up all 4 veins and also fixed her ASD. (I don't know what this is, but it would have required another surgery at some point) So many ups and downs, things are changing almost from hour to hour. They'd hoped to have her extubated Friday afternoon, but then she had a fever of 105 and has had the fever since. Poor baby is almost maxed out on her pain med and sedative just to keep her resting and comfortable. They are hoping to wean her off those today to try extubating her. They are also hoping to take out her chest tubes today. They did a virus panel and it came back negative (not a virus causing the fever).

There are some other things, too, but many in a language I don't speak. :)

Thanks for your prayers for little Olivia Faith Swank. Her family appreciates it so much. It is amazing to see how widespread the body of Christ is. What a comfort to know that people around the world are praying for your little one! It always amazes me that I can pray with my friend who lives in England for our friends in Utah and God hears it all. Where 2 or more are gathered just doesn't look the same any more, does it? Thanks again for joining me in prayer!

I haven't heard anything more from Angilee.

By the way- I am waiting for news from that friend in England regarding the much anticipated birth of their second baby! For some odd reason it may take a couple of days for me to hear the news . . . She was past due last weekend, so now I'm just waiting for the news to catch up to me!


3 are still reading for some reason . . .:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about Olivia- I've thought of her and prayed for her (although probably not as much as I should, I admit sheepishly),
I'm sure we'll hear from Angilee once everything calms down. She needs family time now, I suppose (blood, rather than church...)

A said...

Angilee checked in. Travis should be getting home today already! He'll have some ongoing pain issues . . . Craziness! I can't believe so soon!

She said that the funeral and burial went well, her uncle was a Christian and the ceremony was a Christian one.

She'll be home tomorrow afternoon or evening. She was going to stay later in the evening, but I think I talked her out of it with the weather. . .


Danielle said...

good news, good news... what a cool deal that Olivia is still fighting!