Saturday, February 17, 2007

If random were hit with a twenty pound maul...

A couple of weeks ago Robocarp titled a blog entry with this. It'a been ringing round and round in my head ever since. I have to wonder, if random were hit be a twenty pound maul, what would it sound like, or what would it say? I've no doubt that it might well involve dinosaurs or giraffes . . . (I thought of this again tonight on my car ride from the big eclair with Angely).

So, if random were hit with a twenty pound maul, what WOULD it sound like?

5 are still reading for some reason . . .:

angely said...

HAHAHA. And it would certainly involve why eskimos stay in the freezing cold...they would have to know what random sounds like....I certainly do. hehehee

Actually 'A' It is called ADHD. lol

angely said...

Thanks girly for being my friend despite my

Robocarp said...

I had imagined that it would be alot like a gerbil being tee'd up on the driving range the Tiger Woods would try to drive it 300 yards with a slight hook

Anonymous said...

squish mish mash kish....

Danielle said...

i think it's the sound of "uhhhhhh, dirrrrrr" as i think my random thoughts throughout the day..
sad ovah here. was looking forward to some hangout time with you this weekend. sniff.